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Francobolli a forma di stella

Star shaped

"NOTICE: this list is no longer updated, as this type of stamp is no longer considered to be unusual."

1970 - Tonga (adesivi / self-adhesive)

1975 - Tonga (adesivi / self-adhesive)

1976 - Tonga (adesivi / self-adhesive)

1978 - Tonga (adesivi / self-adhesive)

2004 - Vanuatu


2008 - Israele / Israel

22-01-2016 - Giappone / Japan

21-03-2017: Corea del Sud - South Korea

21-07-2017 - Giappone / Japan

08-11-2017: Spagna / Spain (self-adhesive die-cut)

"NOTICE: this list is no longer updated, as this type of stamp is no longer considered to be unusual."